amy taylor imaging photography blog

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Dale and Ben at Davenport House

Bloody hell November. You keep on delivering like this and you’re going to become my favourite wedding month!

Dale and Ben married on Friday at Davenport House in always-gorgeous-it’s-why-it’s-amy’s-favourite-county Shropshire…

If you look closely, you’ll spot the delightful and enigmatically beardy Nick Boy Video. Shhhh! Don’t make any sudden moves, he’ll scamper back into the woods, only to reappear next wedding season…

Winnie and Olive scored a blinder with the seasonal blooms and unbeknownst (yep. Had to look that up in case I was inventing words again) to each other - there was a caricaturist booked by the groom, and a miniature portrait artist* booked by the bride. You can never have too many people making effigies at weddings. That’s what they say isn’t it?

I’ve made a ton of effigies in photo form so I win. Hurrah. Have a butchers…

If you’re not a square, yeah, click a pic to view in a lightbox slideshow doolie whatsit thing.

*she was a normal sized woman painting small paintings. Just to clarify.

Linkland Ahoy!


Hair and face-decorating: tbc

Guitarist and eye candy: tbc

Cake: tbc


Floral design:

Caricaturist: tbc

Portrait Artist:

DJ and Photo Booth: